Good news for all those who have been patiently waiting for the bookings to open for the Nissan Leaf EV. Pioneer MotoCorp Pvt. Ltd, the sole authorised distributor for Nissan and Datsun in Nepal, has announced the official pricing and opened bookings for its much-awaited Leaf EV, the delivery of which will probably start from August 2021. The Nissan Leaf EV will be priced at Rs 59.99 Lakh in the Nepalese market. The Nissan Leaf rivals the like of Hyundai Kona Electric, Kia Niro EV, and MG ZS EV in the Nepalese market.“Marking a new chapter for Nissan in the electrified vehicle segment, Nissan has launched the 2nd generation Nissan LEAF electric vehicle in Nepal. It is the perfect embodiment of Nissan Intelligent Mobility, giving customers a personal mobility experience that is smarter, safer, cleaner and more enjoyable. Towards our commitment to a more sustainable future, we will also continue to enhance our customer’s lifestyle choices and help them live more confident, exciting and connected life” says Sinan Ozkok, President Nissan India Operations. “Bringing the Nissan LEAF EV to Nepal is a high point in our efforts to inform and educate our customers on the benefits of EV adoption. For the world and for us, the future is in electrified vehicles. With the Nissan LEAF, not only are we delivering the RIGHT technology with the best performance and zero-emission. We’re providing confidence through intelligent driving as drivers will feel more confident, excited and connected. We are optimistic that the Nissan LEAF EV will help our customers to live a smarter, safer and sustainable life,” said Sandeep Kumar Sharda, Managing Director, Pioneer Moto Corp Pvt. Ltd.The Nissan Leaf will be available with a 40-kWh lithium-ion battery that has a range of up to 311 kilometres on a full charge, based on the New European Driving Cycle (NEDC) standards. The electric motor delivers 148 BHP and 320 Nm of instant torque. Similarly, the front-wheel-drive Nissan Leaf can go from zero to 100 km/h in 7.9 seconds, while reaching a top speed of 140 km/h.Nissan says the Leaf can be fully powered up in 15 to 18 hours at home through a dedicated wall outlet with the supplied universal charging cable. Owners can also go to quick charging stations found in select Nissan dealerships nationwide and power up their car to a full charge in as fast as 40 to 60 minutes.More importantly, the Nissan Leaf comes with an e-Pedal technology that allows you to drive your car with a single pedal. The car will automatically decelerate when the accelerator pedal is released, implying reduced fatigue and enjoyable driving. This feature allows drivers to start, accelerate, decelerate, and stop using just one pedal by increasing or decreasing the pressure applied to the accelerator. When the accelerator is fully released, regenerative and friction brakes are applied automatically, bringing the car to a complete stop. This makes the Leaf ideal for stop-and-go city traffic since the need to shift from one pedal to another is reduced.The Nissan Leaf EV comes loaded to the brim with features. The Leaf gets LED projector headlamps and taillamps, electrically adjustable ORVMs, a 7-inch digital-analog instrument cluster, automatic A/C, a 5-inch touchscreen infotainment system, leather steering wheel, 17" alloy wheels, double speed on-board charger, front and rear leather seats, and heated front seats among others. Dimensions wise, the Leaf measures 4,490mm in length, 1,788mm in width, and 1,530mm in height. It comes with a wheelbase of 2,700mm and a ground clearance of 155mm.On the safety front, it gets dual airbags, front and rear disc brakes, engine immobilizer, ABS with EBD and brake assist, VDC with hill assist, and an active anti-roll system with Intelligent Trace Control. The driving assistance features on the Leaf include Intelligent Cruise Control, Intelligent Around View Monitor, High Beam Assist, and Hill Start Assist. It also features Intelligent Emergency Braking, Intelligent Driver Alertness, Rear Cross Traffic Alert, Blind Spot Warning, Lane Departure Warning, and Intelligent Lane Intervention, etc.The Nissan Leaf comes in 11 colour options where the customers can choose between six single-tone colour options or five dual-tone colour options. Moreover, the Nissan Leaf also has vehicle-to-everything (V2X) technology that enables bi-directional charging to use energy from the Leaf battery to power homes and equipment, or simply give back energy to the power grid.The Nissan Leaf comes with an 8-year battery warranty or for the first 160,000 kilometres (whichever comes first).
Published Date: 2021-07-07 16:00:29
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